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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Genoa, Italy-A hidden gem.

Genoa, Italy
Genoa is a historical Port city in Northern Italy. A Hidden Gem.

Genoa today is often shadowed by cities such as Rome and Venice. This city however is a hidden gem behind cozy alleyways, excellent cuisine and a renovated old port. Christopher Columbus was a native to this city.

Along with a Royal Palace there are plenty of Museums, Cathedrals and Genoa is known to have Europe's biggest historical center. This is the heart of the old city. It’s made up of an incredible amount of tiny streets and alleys called Caruggi. Walking through it will take you right back to ancient times when Genoa was the most important harbor of the Mediterranean sea.

The main features of central Genoa include Piazza De Ferrari, around which are sited the Opera and the Palace of the Doges. There is also a house where Christopher Columbus is said to have been born.

Medieval gates of the city of Genoa are a rare survivor of the city's oldest buildings.

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