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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Isle of Roatan, Honduras - Gem of an Island

Isle of Roatan, Honduras
The Isle of Roatan is officially part of Honduras but this green gem of an island is safe and beautiful.
A beautiful Port of Call. Easy shopping on shore or you can take a shore excursion. This island is beautiful.

At the Gumbalimga Park you can learn all about the island and some colorful history of the Pirates that visited this island. Some trek across the Pirates bridge, I followed my sister! She did NOT like the bridge. I thought it was fun. You decide if you are brave enough to go across.

At the Gumbalimba Park you will get the rare opportunity to see parrots, Monkeys and Iguana's up close. Be careful though the monkeys love to borrow all of your glasses, bottles and hat's. They are excellent pick pockets too.

Another fun thing to do is the Zip Line Canopy tour. Imagine flying through the air over the jungle. WOW

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